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Sawed-Off Shotgun . . . CASE DISMISSED!

Sawed-Off Shotgun . . . CASE DISMISSED!

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How a Class Action Litigation Works

How a Class Action Litigation Works

In a class action lawsuit, one or a small group of individual persons or businesses serve as representative plaintiffs for approximately 40 or more other individual persons or businesses who have suffered a similar legal wrong. These class representatives typically seek to remedy legal wrongs against a group of similarly situated individuals known as the class.

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Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

No matter who is at fault or why the car accident happened, any time you get in a car crash in Ohio, you need to take the seven steps listed below. A few of the steps will seem like no-brainers, while others are important in avoiding possible traps that can lead to an accident victim getting victimized twice.

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